About Me

I'm Kyaw Lwin Soe - Junior Web Developer

I'm junior web developer and learning Software Engineering Subject.My native town is Mawlamyine and we moved from Mawlamyine since 2012 May. I've four family members. I'm the youngest one. I've one brother and one sister. I've Mother but my father passed away in 2010 May 23. Now, I'm second year student of International Relations at Dagon University since 2020.I'm interested in Programming. I love Coding.

  • Birthday:27,May,2002 (Monday)
  • Age: 20years
  • Address: Yangon
  • Email: kyawlwinsoe812@gmail.com
  • Phone Number: 09428256980
  • Github: KyawLwin27
My AwesomeServices I'm Junior Web Developer and Web Designer. I can service in more technology field such as Design Thinking, Design Creation, Graphic Design, Facebook Marketing and Digital Ecommerece Marketing.
DesignPhotoshop, Illustrator, Figma, Indesign, Adobe xd
DeveloperHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, React, Boostrap, jQuery
Digital MaeketingDigital Marketing such as Facebook Marketing, Boost Service and other Ecommerece Apps
Recent ProjectsPortfolio
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